Vote for the Pokémon party! (Belgian elections)

Today we had elections in Belgium on 2 levels: provincial and municipal.

One of the provincial parties was named ‘De Pokémon Partij’ (the Pokémon party).
Meant as a joke, they have no actual political agenda and everybody knew this.

So how much votes did they get? Currently with 80% of all votes counted they got 0,6% of all votes. 1 in roughly 165 people voted for them. Pokémon still being popular eh? Or just people stating that Belgian politcs are ridiculous, especially that everyone is obligated to vote.

Here some dutch articles ran through google translate:


Hadn’t even heard about de Pokémon-lijst until you posted this just now, that’s how much the elections matter to me. I hope you voted wisely!

Cool. How did the shriah party go?