Tin Promos vs. Set URs

Hello all,

I have recently started buying more Lv. X cards on ebay as I seem to have gained a sudden increase in appreciation for them. I happen to enjoy many of the promo art variants of the Lv. Xs over the set versions, so I have been buying more of those purely for aesthetic reasons.

My question is, in the future, do you see Tin promo cards reaching close to the appreciation/price of the set variants?

I will continue to buy whatever card art I appreciate more, and am not basing my purchases on future value, I am just curious If you think both will gain value at a similar rate.

I can’t say if tin Promos will be more appreciated in the future but I have to say I personally love the Tin Promo versions of Supreme Victors LV.X cards, Charizard G LV.X, Garchomp C LV.X & Rayquaza C LV.X. They are all so pretty.

I think the best way to approach this question is precedent. And as of right now, there is no precedence to suggest that mass printed promotional variations of set ultra rares will achieve the same prices as the booster equivalent. Rather, an overwhelming amount of evidence suggests a disparity will continue to exist.

Some examples I would cite throughout the TCG’s history:
-Nintendo Black Star 001 Kyogre ex and 002 Groudon ex remain some of the cheapest and most accessible mint ex cards after 15 years.
-Promotional print Lv. X’s are often available as cheap as $5.00 while set cards remain over double the price in comparable condition.
-Promotional EX’s were the most similar reprints ever produced and managed to come within $1.00 of the value of the booster equivalents but never managed to eclipse or match the booster equivalents even at the height of their competitive viability.

Given what we know from the most similar examples, I can see mass-produced promotional variations reaching close to the percentage appreciation in some cases, but the sticker price is most likely always going to reflect the gap that can be currently identified.

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