The only way to truly overcome this is to verify identities or at least bank accounts. Think eBay will ever do this? Do we trust eBay to do this? I can think of how I might make it safe for me, giving them my account info, but…
Youre a terrible seller if you arent being considerate of the buyers margins.
I guess so, I hate when they ask if there are scratches. I always include a flash and non flash pic of the surface so I dont have to answer that question on 10$ cards
Just saw this while browsing today psa 10 in bold beginning of the ad
Woke up to a sold item, a cancellation request, and these messages:
I approved the cancellation request, but maybe I should have made him sweat a bit by waiting a day or so
Judging by the messages, I think they were sweating plenty.
Unhinged, no?
Love. You know he’d be great to party with
I despise the use of the word “personal” when saying collection behind it
Hoo boy.
I don’t understand why sellers ask these types of questions. The photos are direct scans from my high def scanner. And I keep my slabs in protective sleeves.
This is a very particular breed of buyer; spend 10-15 minutes of your life answering their extensive queries for them to then offer you 50% of asking.
I’ve been weeding through them by seeing what their offer is first before I do any of their requests.