Tariffs begin: how will it affect buying and shipping cards to the US?

I’m in Canada, and honestly I’ve been buying quite a bit less Pokemon the past 6~ months or so, not because of politics or any of this recent stuff, but because of how strong the USD has been. So I’ve mainly been piling money into other areas in hopes that the Canadian dollar rebounds some day, and I’ll start collecting more from the US again (which is where I’ve bought at least 90% of my cards from, if I had to guess).

I’ve haven’t read into all the details on this recent event, but I think for sure a lot of people don’t really know the implications or potential fallout clearly. It will take time to play out, and a lot of things could change yet.


Both tariffs against Canada and Mexico have been paused for 30 days


It appears that Trump is eyeing the EU (& UK) for new tariff threats.


I’m Canadian and I’ve pretty much kept all my buying/selling on the US side.

  • All purchases get shipped to the US PSA vault
  • All sales are consigned through the PSA vault on ebay
  • All sale proceeds are deposited into a US bank account managed by a Canadian financial institution.

overall it works pretty good for me. If I want to withdraw something to physically keep though I tend to keep it in the vault for 90days to get the cheap $1 withdrawal fee.


As long as the U.S continues to allow Japan to export without tariffs, I’ll be thankful. If that were to go, I’ll be cooked.


There era of Americans enjoying free-imports has come to an end. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: I’m wondering if JP imports will be affected, so far, nope. But ya’ can’t predict… :eyes:
Ah, politics… You may not screw with it, but it WILL screw with you… sooner or later.

I echo this. The only intersting thing here, for me, is what will be illuminated about the US collector demand. Will 25% be enough to sour the milk? Will this dampen what seems to me, to be a major imbalance in US interest over the last several years to international interest considering the import fees people have to pay?

Personally, if I have to pay 25%, then I’ll just buy 25% less. The tricky thing is things that can only be purchased from abroad… do I buy now if there’s no tariff (EU)? Or do I hold off, because by the time it arrives, there may BE a tariff I don’t want to pay? :thinking: Is this also true for cards? Or will we see a local market increase? This might be a great time to be a domestic seller. And then how will domestic market respond? Increased prices and demand?

“I’ll give $200. I can buy for $200 from JP!”
“That’s $250 including import tariffs.”
“What’s a tariff?”

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For the people collecting Chinese Pokémon gift boxes etc. : US Postal Service stops accepting parcels from China and Hong Kong

Also, here’s the note directly from USPS.


I’ll unlock this thread in 30ish days.
Meanwhile: USPS suspends incoming parcels from China and Hong Kong