Sleeves for Cards: Storing v.s. Playing

As simple as it sounds. I’ve been looking for Sleeves for awhile now and have heard some sleeves are good for different things. Like Perfect Fit for example I heard is great for storing cards, however the moment you start using them to play competitively, than they do more damage than good.
So what card sleeves do you use to store your cards? What card sleeves do you use to play competitively? This also applies to people that play MtG, etc etc since I assume the concepts are the same.


I really like Dragonshield mattes for the playing side of things. And I typically use them to store cards as well (typically in conjunction with a penny sleeve/perfect fit). Competitively I think right now Dragonshield mattes and Ultimate Guards are viewed the most favorably currently and are the most common sleeves you’ll see at say a regional

The sleeves I have been using at Mtg SCG opens, and GPs are the ultra pro eclipse double matte. I Also use them to store cards in a binder even though the matte front takes some gloss away. not sure where you heard perfect fits were bad for play, at least on the magic side, they work great and protect your cards during play more then just a normal sleeve would.

I use Dragon Shield clear sleeves to store cards in binders. They’re probably overkill, and you have to be careful not to nick corners when you put cards in them, but I like the way they look and feel.

Check sleeves for fit, to make sure you’re happy, before buying large quantity, Some sleeves are a little snug. I received a card in a sleeve so snug, I was afraid of damaging the card when I removed for inspection.