SirSpudd's Collection + Comic Con 2015 Grabs

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to show alittle of my personal collection. Also, most of these cards I picked up at Comic Con in San Diego last week. So thanks for looking, and I am also toying with the idea of getting stuff PSA graded so if there is anything you guys think I should consider sending in let me know.



Also sorry about the picture quality…my bad

couple more

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And deez

And den

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More to come sortly

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more to come

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not great quality but there they are

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Almost done I promise


great cards!

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Havn’t posted a collection update in awhile and I’m pretty happy with today’s hunting.


Phat Collectibles
Anaheim, CA

Left to Right:
1st Ed Celebi Neo Revelations
1st Ed Suicune Neo Revelations
Alph Lithograph Heart Gold Soul Silver
Ancient Mew (2nd Movie Promo)
Japanese Giovanni’s Last Resort Gym Challenge
Japanese *Banned* Misty’s Tears Gym Challenge
Prerelease Dark Gyarados Team Rocket
Prerelease Misty’s Seadra Gym Heros
Alakazam Base Set
Promo Team Rocket’s Meowth
1st Ed Sabrina’s Gengar Gym Challenge



Damn you came at us with a bang. Good shit!

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Haha have still been collecting just been a long time since an update