I’m not sure if you want to add it or not, but technically heartgold and soulsilver has unlimited cards for the 3 starters and the 4 LEGEND cards. I think they were given out as a prize if memory serves me right, but technically they are still apart of the set even if they weren’t released with it. Anyways, just thought I’d mention it. @quuador
Not sure when I have time to update it, but I’ll put it on my TODO list…
Although in general: there are currently 12 active languages: Japanese, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Indonesian, Simplified Chinese. With the exception of S. Chinese, almost all set-released cards these days are available in these 11 languages. Simplified Chinese is a bit behind, but I personally use this website (the links in the blue box at the bottom) as overview of all Simplified Chinese cards released thus far.