Searching for a Portuguese 1st Edition non-holo Jungle Scyther!

A friend of mine has been putting together a huge master collection of Scyther. Every card, every language.

He is only missing the 1st edition Jungle Scyther in Portuguese.

If ANYONE has a lead on this card, please let me know. We are willing to crack slabs and pay well for even a raw copy. He has apparently been searching for 2 years.

Anyone who can find a copy will get a finders fee.


Welcome! Please note that based on the rules, all wtb threads require a price.

Good luck


I have tried for 2 years for Kyle but nothing seems to pop up :frowning:

I saw he was selling most of his collection off, so can probably stop looking for him now

Talked to him a few days ago and he was still looking. So I’ll keep looking. Thanks for the help.

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I have it! :slightly_smiling_face:
The one of a kind


That’s huge I’m looking for snorlax holo and non holo been 2 years nearly now to

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