SeafoamArticuno's Collection

Visited one of my favorite collectibles shops this weekend, and came home with something totally unexpected. I’ve never seen any TCG items at this shop before, normally they have some neat anime/video game themed products so I like to browse. I was checking out the Kaiyodo Pokemon Chess figures, when I noticed something hiding in the very back of the display case.

As you can see, the box is pretty beat up. I’m still getting more familiar with Japanese products, so did some quick googling and confirmed it was indeed a Neo Starter Deck. The seal didn’t look like an original, so I asked the shop owner if I could take a look. He confirmed it was not sealed, but let me take a quick peek inside - it looked like around the right number of cards in there, so I bought it for $10. :grin:

Opened it right when I got home to find the full starter deck, along with rulebook and an awesome Lugia coin. I like that Japanese starter decks are somewhat random. The 2 holos were Bellossom and Heracross. Not mint, but well worth the price.

There were a couple extra cards in addition to the 60 card deck + extra energy… I’d have to say this one is my favorite. :wink:


Very awesome pickup for 10 bucks. The mew is really beautiful as always.

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That mew is a steal. One of my favorite japanese promos of all time

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Such a great find! What was your reaction for picking it all up for only $10?

Beyond excited! Technically it wasn’t sealed. but I was just as excited as opening up a sealed pack. I thought it being previously opened would be a negative… finding a bonus Shining Mew was the cherry on top instead. I should’ve gone and bought a lottery ticket.

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I think you already did! Haha. :stuck_out_tongue: Wicked happy for ya!

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I just was coming on here to say, you got a wonderful username, welcome and I’m jealous that you are able to discover vintage Japanese!



Thanks :grin:

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Picked up a few nice additions for my Japanese collection recently.

I really like old school theme decks, both English and Japanese. I got my first Japanese deck last year, and now added 2 more to my collection, Base Set and Nivi City Gym. Even though they’re already opened, I don’t mind too much. I think the boxes are still nice to display and I can add the decks to my binder collection.

Brock’s deck came with the complete deck inside. I’ve always really liked the Gym sets, so am glad to add Brock’s Rhydon to my collection.

Unfortunately the Base Set deck was empty except for the rulebook inside, but the lot I bought came with a few Japanese Base holos, so I’ll never know which one originally came with the deck.

And last but certainly not least, I love discovering Japanese promos that I didn’t know about before. Especially when they’re 2 of my favorite Pokemon! These are the Asobikata Diglett and Dugtrio, 2 promos given out with a “how to play” book in 1998 in Japan. I love the artwork on these cards, I think this might be my new favorite Diglett artwork.


The Asobikata promos are so incredible man. Friggin’ Tanaka. What can I say?

Just found some NM copies of those just recently after months, yes, months of searching. They aren’t easy to find.

Congrats on these beauties of pickups!


Haven’t posted an update in a really long time. So here are a few recent collection additions!

1st up, GB Venusaur. I’ve wanted to collect the original 3 Sugimori starters, wasn’t too concerned which version. Blastoise and Charizard coming soon.

Next up, a bunch of the full art illustration cards. Not looking to collect a master set of these, but I enjoy picking up ones I like every now and then. 151 was such a great set artwork wise!

Especially excited about Aipon and Drapion. I really like Morii’s artwork, so it’s been nice that she’s had the chance to release several of these full art cards. That’s a good reminder, I still need to pick up the Morii Venusaur & Snivy Tag Team. Hopefully she gets to do more in the future.

Speaking of my Morii collection:

Piloswine was a very generous gift from a close friend. Azumarill and Blissey were both LGS finds.

And last but not least, started a small vintage Yugioh OCG collection of some favorites. This BEWD has seen (much) better days.