We have had a few people inquire about the binder project this week so we adjusted the stipulations. It can be any card. Any condition. Just sign an energy or something if your not remaining anonymous so we can put them in there with your contribution. Rarity doesnt matter but keep in mind the goal is to auction it off at the end and donate it to No Kid Hungry. For my contributions im adding a gen con stamped treecko, as well as a couple low end charizard cards (hidden fates promo and probably an obsidian flames something). For those that send stuff in ill send something back as a thank you. Everytime we get something for that binder ill make a new post on ig and make sure everyone knows someone sent something in(you can stay anonymous thats totally ok too). I still need to set up a p.o. box but for those on here that are interested i can give you the address. Thanks for checking this out guys, really hoping we can make a small difference here the binder in question is a standard 9 pocket ultra pro but i will be buying a brand new one near the end of the same size just so its cleaned up and nice.
I didnt have the heart to break it so hes staying in the case until i get another. The only non pokemon prerelease card theyve ever done.
Edit: I broke it open for my binder it was like a week later
That’s really interesting that there is only one prerelease card that doesn’t feature a Pokemon. Learning new things every day.
Really suprised they havent done another, and with them being in sets of four now i feel it would be easy to slip another one in there once in a while.
Im shifting my focus 100% back to ungraded cards. Probably going to trade some of my 10s for the binder ones i need. Im not really sure what did it for me, but i was having more fun with the binder stuff.
I applaud this. Imagine how full you can get the binder by selling just a few of your 10s.
I think these insights usually come after dabbling into all aspects of the hobby and seeing what works the best for you. Happy that you could come to a decision which will bring you joy with your collection. Binder gang for life!
Reorganized the second part of my prerelease binder. First half is every regular variant and the second will be the staff ones, all in order of release. Its sad to look at when everything is in its slot but its a super fun process to fill the rows. Just showing the first page for now, only going to be missing 2 on that page after some stuff shows up.
Heres a bunch of pictures of the latest stuff. Im really going to be pushing to finish the staff side so if you have any promos you think i need or would be interested in please reach out. Ill be finishing burning shadows and steam seige next since i only need two from those. First page is almost done, just need the lucario and raichu, which ill grab one of those monday. Most likely the Lucario. Also sharing the crab page. Just been having fun collecting. Instagram update, we shot over 1000 so thats cool. Kind of hoping followers notice the music choices match something on the card, its kind of fun! Anyway my favorite of all of these is the Milotic. Such a beautiful card. Cosmic eclipse and silver tempest are also finished, just waiting for the entei, and we ordered a super clean Tropius staff last night so more photos to come!
After a conversation with the other half last night, we are officially on the path for the charizard staff card from evolutions. Goal is to have the card in hand by this time next year, and since i wont go into debt over a card we are going to start saving a little here and there, selling some random cards, and hopefully we can obtain the most intimidating card in the set.
The staff cards are coming along nicely! It’s always great to see your updates Best of luck with the big Evolutions staff Charizard. It’ll feel nice to have the most expensive card of the set behind you once you’re there.
Edit: I just remembered a few controversies regarding staff-stamped Evolutions Charizards/cards that had come up previously on the forum.
There might be more, but I just did a quick search. When in doubt, either avoid or get some opinions on the forum. @ReganRampage Sorry for tagging you again, but I saw you liked the post before my edit came in. Just wanted to make sure you saw it.
Ive read those before as well and i appreciate the links. To avoid the anxiety of the charizard and possibilities of getting a fake im intending to buy a graded one in like a 6 or 7 and crack it open. It doesnt have to be perfect, just in the binder im pretty confident these days in being able to identify a fake but with how technology is these days im always second guessing. Thank you so much for your kind words and continued support with my posts it feels really nice that people dont mind them. Thank you too @citriina i saw you commented below but i never responded lol
Some completed rows after mail today!
Finishing the staff row completes both variants for that set. Binder is sorted in order of release, first half is regular variants, second is staff. It works out pretty good actually since surging sparks starts a new page and there is a couple blank pages right before the exact middle of the binder. Should fill out nicely, and if it ever gets to the point where it doesnt work out like that ill deal with it when it happens. Anyway unbroken bonds, silver tempest are all here and finished, fates collide and cosmic eclipse will be done when mail gets here, and the very first page will be finished by the end of November. It seems random and it kind of is but the way im doing it is by finishing the groups of four i have already aquired randoms for, and once i run out of those ill work through the list in order of release. Im trying to juggle both but once i hit black and white and xy era ill really have to slow down. Just on the first page we need lucario and raichu and both dont come cheap, and then theres the sets that are almost impossible to find like chilling reign or fusion strike. Just thinking about it stresses me out but we will go one row at a time, one card at a time, and we will finish it. Anyway theres my rambling thanks for reading!
Congrats on so much progress! Seeing your collection updates is a treat every time. I feel like every time I open your updates, there’s something amazing to read through, and I love all the detail you provide about each card.
Hoping the new additions arrive quickly and safely!
So the tropius is absolutely beautiful however there is a small speck of something on the bottom left. I think it may be some kind of printer junk because i took a slightly damp qtip to it and it didnt budge or leave residue on there. Anyway lucario should be here after a bit and then its just the raichu to finish the first page of the staff variants.
Finally received the proper zygarde staff to finish fates collide and am mailing back the staff yanmega they accidentally sent. I love the xy era cards and the full on holo on most of them. Adds an extra pizzazz

Looks amazing!
Thank you dude. This is definitely one of the sets that stands out above the others. Sun and Moon Prerelease cards all had this type of holo and its just gorgeous. Most of the cards have full on holo (or holo bleed or whatever) through the whole card too which is super neat.
A little look inside the process. The note board. Im old school, prefer to do everything with pen and paper lists and this is nice to glance at when im in pokemon thinking mode.
That’s a good idea and something I haven’t seen before. True dedication to collecting. I use Excel to keep track of mine.