PSA Changing Bulk Rates?

I was looking at the bulk rates and noticed the following message.

“Current bulk pricing ending soon! To take advantage of this pricing, all orders must be postmarked on or before Aug 31, 2018.”

Anyone know what’s going on?

The only thing that’s happening is a change in the current bulk pricing. It’s quite normal for companies to adjust prices from time to time.


Oh no… I hope it does not get raised significantly :open_mouth:
They should make the Pokemon card bulk prices from July & August a permanent service :wink:

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What do you guys suspect the new bulk rates will be?


I bet they don’t raise them as high as they should. Just in case though I’ll be getting a bunch of cards out this month.

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My guesses:

10 card+ $12 per card

50+ $10 per card

100+ $8 per card


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Looks like we’re playing another guess the price game.

I’m going to go with:

10 card+ $15/card
50 card+ $12/card
100 card+ $10/card

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Lol…I’d guess a buck a card.

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Thinking to myself a bit what they should look like something like this came to mind. I doubt they’ll get this high but honestly its probably about where it would need to be for them to be able to keep up. They’ll still stick with their willy nilly random order picking and fulfillment though so on an order by order basis it’d be hard to say if you’d see quicker turnaround time.

They have clearly had submission way faster than they can handle. The way to slow them down is to increase the price to lower the demand. The nice thing about it is that if they increase it too high and decrease subs too much they can utilize monthly specials to be even more special in the future. Imagine a $10 bulk minimum pricing and then having $7 monthly specials come along…


I’d totally accept this and think it would accomplish that goal.

Thanks for the heads up. Just sent in a dozen cards to get graded, will be the last one before the price hike.

It felt weird only having 11 cards to send in, so last night I opened a pack of EX Power Keepers and pulled a 1/108 Aargon - Holo. Not bad!


Honestly in the short term this is probably going to worsen the long waits on orders as everyone is rushing to send orders into psa to lock in the old price 1 last time.

This will suck for people grading from europe as it’s already way more expensive compared to those in NA due to the high shipping costs and customs/import charges etc.

I can totally understand why they’re doing it thought.

Edit: Found this post on collectors universe forums

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Ooof. Hopefully this is not true. Getting rid of $10 card bulk literally takes away my only incentive for paying a $200 a year membership.

Wow, I was actually right lol. Well, about the latter two. Didn’t know they’d ditch the 10 card bulk.