PSA- Beckett crossover/ middle man

hi guys so I have a strong psa 9 shadowless charizard i would like to crossover to bgs 9.5!

I have never graded with beckett and am unsure on the process to get a card crossed over.

Im from the uk and am looking for a middle man to assist me with the grading process.

I am willing to pay whoever is willing to help out with sending my card to beckett.

im looking for a trustworthy person with a good reputation who is happy to help a fellow collector out!

please hit me up if anyone can help

thanks Dale

it might be fairly difficult for a PSA Mint 9 to score a BGS Gem Mint 9.5…
some PSA 10s barely score a BGS 9.5.

as with submitting to BGS, you don’t need a membership with them to have cards graded.
you can print out submission forms and fill it out for crossover, you can set a minimum grade for which you wish to receive.
you can also fill out the forms online now… and BGS has a live chat representative who can assist you with the process and answer any of your inquiries.

if you’re looking to send just one card, I think it would be best to send it to BGS yourself without any middleman.

but yeah, best to contact a Beckett (BGS) representative and discuss with them before considering alternate options.

aside from that, good luck with the crossover! all the best!

Sending cards to beckett is very easy as @veryviciousvenusaur mentioned, but I’m not sure about crossgrading stuff with them, might aswell send in the card raw. I can only imagine them not being enthusiastic in handing over a BGS 9,5 to a PSA 9.