Pokemon Stars

Hope you have heard about Pokemon stars that is heavily rumoured for the Nintendo switch. It just gets my blood pumping, I can’t wait to play Pokemon on the TV :grinning:

If it isn’t called Pokemon Eclipse I will riot.

Eclipse makes a lot more sense than Stars from a logical standpoint. The Sun is already a star…

I’m on the fence about the Nintendo Switch but a good Pokemon game would definitely make me give it some more serious consideration. I’ll have to see it to believe it though.

Based on recent leaks the switch will be a bit more powerful than the wii u. But being a hand held with TV capabilities (my perspective), i wont be phased if its true.

With pokemon almost indenitely bound to make its way to the switch, i think its gonna sell like hotcakes.

I agree, eclipse sounds good or galaxy? Pokemon galaxy.

Sun, Moon and Stars seems like a logical trio.

I would be very surprised if they started a home console version of Pokémon with generation 7.

Seems only logical to bounce back to Gen 1, or 2 if Nintendo and Gamefreak are specifically looking for the choice I would make lol

Generation 4 remakes boys.

I’ll essentially be playing Sinnoh for the first time whenever the inevitable Gen 4 remakes come out. Clocked maybe 30 hours in Diamond version at best… I even had to transfer my Sapphire team over to beat it.

-looks down in shame- Cynthia too stronk.

Cynthia is my 2D waifu.

I’ve been thinking about the switch and pokemon and have come to the following conclusion

  • i love the name ‘pokemon eclipse’

  • i feel the switch is the successor to both wii u and 3ds thus forcing the next pokemon game onto it. Will be the best day ever having flexibility to play pokemon on the big screen and on the go.