Playtest cards - MTG / Pokemon / Yugioh ...

Yes, the Japanese TPC does indeed playtest cards. They in fact have 19 full-time employees with varied skill in the Pokémon TCG that playtest new Pokémon TCG cards.

Here is the source for that: Gamespot “How New Pokémon Cards Get Made” - February 27th, 2020 (first shared here by @ptccards ). I will quote the relevant third part about the playtesting:

Apart from this article, I don’t know anything about playtesting in Pokémon, especially not during the WotC era.

The entire article is worth a read for anyone who hasn’t yet, since they also talk about designing and illustrating a new Pokémon. So not just the part above. And while looking for this article I remembered, I also came across another article I read before about the design of Pikachu, in case anyone is interested in that history/interview. :blush:
