Plastic wrap Q? wotc 1ed Team Rock

Should I be concerned? The plastic wrap is stretched. Enough to move the wotc logos from being in line with each other. And it’s wrinkled in a small spot about the diameter of a coke can. All the seals look perfect and the corners are nice and tight. So I think I’m worried about nothing. Anyone seen this? and is it something I should be worried about? New here. Thanks
-Area I’m concerned about is just above the Golbat on the front of the box

Pictures please


I have no idea how to add pics Sry. I’m using a iPhone is it possiable? I’d be happy to Email them if that would work

Try uploading the images to and then share those links here.

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We need pictures.


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Can’t tell without pics my friend.

Post some pictures and you will have answers within minutes!!

Images wont load for all of your links

From what I can see, it looks good to me.


It looks fine, the wrinkle looks like the plastics been stretched, probably by someone’s thumb from holding it with one hand.


I’m not 100% sure, but I think this is fine.

Maybe it was stored in a tight space and upon removal it got hung up and stretched the shrink wrap out? (Just guessing)

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That’s what I was thinking. “Stored in a snug place” maybe under another booster box or 2. I’ve heard that the plastic wrap can sometimes stick to each other when stored for a long period of time. Because the all seals look really good, No signs of tampering. Thanks for everyone’s advice. I’m so happy I joined eFour!!! Great place

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The area in question is just above the Golbat on the front of the box
Sry for all the junk links posted hope this will bring you to all the pics