Other Must-Have Pokemon Sources?

Hi Folks,

I’m not really a gamer, but recently, I picked up an Elgato Stream Deck (essentially a programmable switch-board that can open folders, programs, websites, or execute commands with assignable buttons). I decided to customize an eBay/Pokemon folder with shortcuts to all my Pokemon sources.

When I click eBay, I can access these:
-eBay Home, eBay Store, Inventory Spreadsheet, Photo Folder, E-Four Website, Pokemon Price, PSA Website

As you can see, I still have available buttons to fill. What other websites or resources should I add? I definitely feel like I’m forgetting some good ones.

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I have hot buttons for:

  • PSA population reports
  • PSA cert lookups
  • pkmncards.com (for quick, easy loading visuals)
  • My E-Four defaults to the new threads page
  • E-four thread for my wants list
  • Watchcount.com

Bulbapedia is great to learn more about cards in general. If you care about the new stuff coming up pokebeach is also good :blush: