what do you guys do with bulk gx cards? i cba selling 1 at a time ive got 60+. they are the cheaper gx cards like dialga-wishiwashi. Is it worth selling in random sets of 10? do people buy them? how much would you list them? or do you think it would be better to list with psa cards for example 1 psa 10 gx + 10 random gx cards? hit me with some ideas homies
I’ll buy them all for $1 ea
Take all of 'm to a regional or other big PTCG tournament. I sell 'm to the booths (selling/buying cards at the avenue) for around ~2/3$ or 3/4$ store credit for the real shitty GX’s. The give around a dollar more for a FA or 2$ extra for the RA versions of shitty GX’s. Saves me a lot of hassle gettin the shit out of the binder- can’t typically trade 'm either and selling them individually is a hell.
Check TNT buy list, sometimes they give good prices, but on average expect 30-60% of market value
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Or sell them to me at buy list price.