Nidoking Corocoro

Hi all

My first thread on here. This card seems to elude me. Im happy to pay the asking price for this card but would like a sealed one or ungraded in near mint condition. If anyone has one for sale or could help me that would be greatly appreciated.

A recent nidoking psa 9 went for around £53 on ebay so im happy to pay £60-100 for this card


I recently purchased 2 unpeeled coro coro nidoking with koga’s gym on the same sheet (They came together). I don’t know if I really want to let one of them go or not, but this is very tempting. I jumped at the opportunity because you don’t find them often, which I know because I looked for a long time myself.

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Wow i wish i could find them seeled :slightly_frowning_face:

Well if you decide you want to sell one then please let me know.

How much did you pay for the 2 seeled ones?

A stupid low price of 10 bucks each. I found them on troll and toad with 3 sealed snap pikachu promos and bought them all. I resold one sealed snap pikachu for 80 and made my money back. A very sweet find indeed. For now I think I’ll hold onto it because I’ve never seen any other than the 2 before.

No worries. If you decide to ever sell i am your man!