New Collector

Hey guys, I recently decided to start collecting a few cards again. I was a kid when Pokémon was at its peak in the late 90s and early 00s, and now that I have the means to buy some old cards I used to like, why not?

Anyway, I made my first purchases on EBay last week: Two 1st Edition Base Set PSA 10 cards. One of the cards is holdered in what looks to be a newer case from PSA, with a holo security PSA emblem on the case label. The card looks to be in great condition, and looks like a PSA 10.

The other card I purchased is in what looks to be an older PSA case, which does not have the holo security PSA emblem on the label. The case is also a slightly different thickness than the other case, with a more noticeable seam going around the border of the case. It does not look like this case has been tampered with. I verified the number on PSA’s website and it looks like the card has been correctly registered. My main concern with this card is that on the back, there are one or two tiny white specks on 3 of the 4 corners. These specks are very small, but clearly noticeable if you are looking for them. There is also a small speck of brown debris floating inside the case near the yellow border of the front side of the card, so that is also bothersome. Should I be upset about the white specks or small piece of debris inside the case? Can PSA 10 cards allow for tiny specks of white at the corners like I have described? Should I get the card reholdered to remove the tiny piece of debris inside the case, or would that risk lowering the PSA grade? Thanks

It’s probably just a weak 10. If the speck of dirt bothers you then you can send it in for a reholder and it will more than likely keep it’s 10 status. You’ll notice if you get more graded cards that there are different degrees within each number grade.

Can you post photos?

I’m at work, so I can’t right now. I found another thread where someone was discussing specks in the corners of his PSA 10 cards, and it sounded like that can be allowable. I think there are a total of about 3-4 of these tiny specks on my PSA 10 card.

Thanks. So does a weak PSA 10 have a lower market price than a strong PSA 10? I hadn’t seen this discussed anywhere yet, and assumed all PSA 10s were “virtually perfect” as described on their website. Is a 10 a 10 to most collectors, regardless of being “strong” or “weak”?

It’s up to you if you want to disclose things like that if you were to sell it. You’d be shooting yourself in the foot tho if you start pointing out damage. It would probably not sell for as much if you advertised whats wrong with it. But obviously it’s not as nice to have as a card without those white spots.

What cards are they?
No english Pokemon cards are “virtually perfect”.
A 10 is a 10 so don’t worry about it. If it does bother you still then resell it or get it recased:)

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