I got offered a PSA 10 Blastoise Base Set Holo and $1,000 cash in exchange for a sealed Diamond and Pearl base set booster box. I thought it was a great trade, but my fiancé tells me she thinks sealed product is better, and I’ve gotten the same response from other collectors. I’m interested in any other collectors opinions on the deal
The last sale of a PSA 10 Blastoise back in November 2020 was an accepted best offer (listing was for $4,150) and the last D&P box sold last week for $4k. I personally would take that deal in a heartbeat. That $1k cash kicker is cake.
Love this lol. I just thought it was a no brained trading Diamond and Pearl for a base set gem starter. But I have gotten lots of differing opinions, so I’m loving the feedback on E4
The decision is entirely yours, but if you want opinions I’ll give you mine.
I would keep the sealed Diamond and Pearl box. The population of sealed products is only going to keep decreasing, and I’d reckon people are eventually going to want to crack boxes from this era for grading.
Thanks for the reply man. I’m pretty decided on what I want to do, I more so just wanted to hear opinions cause I think it’s interesting to see what people think of these two vastly different eras and type of collectible (sealed vs psa card) in a trade. It feels like a huge gap in eras and there’s def people who prefer one over the other I see now lol
Goes without saying but not all PSA 10s are created equal, make sure you get good photos so you don’t end up with a 9 or 8 in a 10 case. Saves you trouble having to apply for the PSA guarantee.
Yeah I think the booster box is way cooler and I’d keep that instead. It really depends on you though. But for me as much as I love base set and cash, that DP box is definitely something special!