Magikarp Jump

List your achievements/tips here!

From Pokemon Stadium? Lol that was my fav mini game

No it’s a new App by Nintendo. :grin:

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I love how your magikarp can be eaten by a pidgeotto

Im scared to download, worried ill end up pouring far too many hours in like GO!

I was pretty horrified by that, I never expected it to happen :sob:

I thought it was stupid at first (downloaded it today) but it’s kind of like a rogue-like RPG but not really. It’s a passive game that requires a huge grindfest. My max level is 21 at the moment. It sucks because my max was 20 just before my Magikarp retired at LV. 19. My max increased to level 21 very easily in my current specific generation. I want to kill off this specific one so I can get a new one to max out at LV21 so I don’t have to grind to LV20 just to grind again for one level. Would rather grind 2 more levels from my previous max.

WARNING: If you value your time do not download this. Unless you can check your phone at school/work every 5 minutes or so to feed your Karp :blush: But I’ve been doing this on my free time which is not good haha

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I didn’t fall for that. I knew when they asked me twice that something bad was going to happen. I do not fall for these temptations. Unless I want to kill off the Karp on purpose for strategic reasons than it’s not worth the gamble.

If you’ve got a lot level karp then it’s worthwhile. I had a karp that received 1.3k% bonus :laughing: from events and as I got lucky and it didn’t get eaten it booster right up to level 11

My strategy is to collect all the patterns, so once it hits to lvl 15 or recongizable, I take the risk of getting the pidgeotto. WHY? that’s how I got 2 golden karps.


wow nice… how many hours have you put into it? just started 20 mins ago, im afraid its going to take over my life lol

I have enough time being used up between Go and Duel. Think I am going to pass on this one, but curiosity will lead me into here from time to time I am sure of it.

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I started yesterday at noon xD

It’s moves pretty fast in the beginning but slows dramatically as you progress. Wait times for training points to refill is a killer :slightly_frowning_face:

Thank you for this!


Are you naming every single Magikarp after your username here? I’m being boring and keeping all of mine named Magikarp :stuck_out_tongue: Does having a nickname increase stats in some way?

Haha nope! I just did that one so it might somehow show that it was really mine :blush: The nickname thing doesn’t do anything for stats :slightly_frowning_face:

I was looking through instagram and found these amusing. Not sure if the second link is appropriate but posting it for now.


I’m trying to catch all the different kinds of karps before my so-so old rod gets upgraded. I got 1-9 except #6 and 99 (gold). Just missing 1. My plan to slow my growth before the Fast League is working. Love those Pidgeottos.

Can someone confirm that you can still catch the Calico Patter after you beat the fast league?