The next trademarks after Black Bolt and White Flare, which could mean they are still SV era sets,
Mega Brave (メガブレイブ)
Mega Symphony (メガシンフォニア)
The next trademarks after Black Bolt and White Flare, which could mean they are still SV era sets,
Mega Brave (メガブレイブ)
Mega Symphony (メガシンフォニア)
New Pokémon set name in English:
Shining Evolutions
New set name in Japanese:
Interstellargalatic Starmistonia
Megas suck fight me
Megas rule fight me
XY mega EXs were cool and fun to play with it, fight me.
Mega Pinsir…on a card? That looks ok?? And gets checklaned???
Misty’s Mega Gyarados please!!
Man, mega evolutions were so good
I wonder what Pokemon in the new game will get megas.
There are still megas without cards in the TCG I believe, like Mega Lopunny.
No mega Pinsir, Medicham, Latias, Abomasnow, or Banette off the top of my head
I don’t think there’s a mega Latios either?
Lopunny and Sableye are in tag teams true
Mega Latios was included in Roaring Skies/Emerald Break, one of the finest sets from XY era.
These sets are right after the BW [Unova] sets Black Bolt & White Flare, is this perhaps leading to the introduction of new Mega forms for “Brave” Keldeo and “Symphonia” Meloetta?