JoshB WTB Thread

Hi everyone, I’m [very slowly] working on a JP Base no rarity binder. I’ve made some good progress but still a way to go and will be adding to this list over time as and when I can allocate funds.

I’m currently looking for the following cards in either raw excellent/nm condition, or similarly graded. I can’t be too picky given my budget, but the nicer the front the better. I’ve put equivalent grade ranges next to specific cards because prices can obviously vary quite a bit. Graded cards do not have to be PSA as they’re getting cracked anyway. Please feel free to either post here or DM me. All cards listed refer to the ‘no rarity’ error Japanese Base Set cards.


Venusaur - light play/excellent or graded PSA 4-5 → £150 - £200. [Pending]
Alakazam - excellent/near mint or graded PSA 5-7 → £65 - £130.
Gyarados - excellent/near mint or graded PSA 5-7 → £65 - £130.
Hitmonchan - excellent/near mint or graded PSA 5-8 → £50 - £160.
Raichu - excellent/near mint or graded PSA 5-7 → £75 - £160.
Poliwrath - excellent/near mint or graded PSA 6-7 → £70 - £100.
Machamp - excellent/near mint or graded PSA 5-7 → £65 - £100.


Pikachu - excellent/near mint or graded PSA 6-7 → £80 - £130.
Dugtrio - excellent/near mint or graded PSA 5-7 → £90 - £150.
Pidgeotto - excellent/near mint or graded PSA 5-7 → £65 - £120.
Electrode - excellent/near mint or graded PSA 5-7 → £40 - £90
Electabuzz excellent/near mint or graded PSA 5-7 → £40 - £90

Charizard holo :white_check_mark:
Clefairy holo :white_check_mark:
Nidoking holo :white_check_mark: (Thanks Mr-uh I mean Secret Santa!)
Zapdos holo :white_check_mark:
Magneton holo :white_check_mark: (Thanks @Frosty.Puppy!)
Blastoise holo :white_check_mark:
Chansey holo :white_check_mark: (Thanks @woolsluk !)


Sent you a message :pikasunglasses:

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Bump with updates

Hi Josh, I have raw copies of Chansey, Raichu and Pikachu that should be within your condition and price range. I am UK based as well and will be at the London card show this weekend. Feel free to come by and check them out!


Bump with more cards added! Also please do message me even if the above prices don’t appeal. They’re just based off eBay solds, so there’s always room for negotiation!