Is PSA using AI or other high tech to grade cards

It similar to the nutrition field, always a new diet. It looks like everything is moving fast, but we are still using literature from the 1990s/2000s. Its mostly noise, not much has fundamentally changed.


I think thereā€™s a real opportunity for a merger between AGS and PSA. With PSA buying their technology, making it better and making it more effective with their funding and resources. I donā€™t think itā€™ll ever happen but it would be interesting if it did


They being ags or psa? Or both

AGS? The same company that graded hundreds (that we know of probably more) of fake 1st edition base set holos? Yeah their algo is trash. There are so many variations that sets cards apart so you would need massive amounts of test image data . In this day and age human eyes are vastly superior when it comes to the minute details of card grading.

I agree but PSA and BGS have also all graded fake 1st edition stamps. Sure the technology isnā€™t there yet but when itā€™s finally perfected Iā€™m sure thereā€™s an opportunity for some consistency in grading for once. The human eye isnā€™t consistent, every persons eyes are different.