Is my card fake or out of focus ?

Hello everyone i was directed to the forum from the discord and i was wondering if i can have your opinion on a single i recently purchased. At 12:40 in the video you see me get it and doubt it. I acquired these cards for a pretty good deal $1-2 for most of them and $4-5 for the more expensive ones. ( video in question POKEMON TGC TEAM UP PRE-RELEASE BOOSTER PACKS OPENING ! + DID SOMEONE SELL ME FAKE GX CARDS ? - YouTube )

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Glad you worked out how to use the forum, hopefully someone more knowledgeable when it come to modern cards can give you their thoughts :blush:

Do you have an actual picture because I can’t see what you’re talking about from the video. The Tyranitar?

I too cannot tell anything from the video. If at all possible, perhaps either acquire another tyranitar to compare it to side by side or maybe find someone else that has one (friend, store, etc.) And do a comparison. I hope you didn’t get fake cards brother!