Bump for the new members and those who have yet to contribute!
I grew up in a little seaside town in Florida. I have fond memories of going sailing with my family and spending time near the water with them. Not sure why exactly I chose that name but it seems to have stuck.
Bump for new users and those who have yet to contribute!
Because I can.
One of our maids was from a small communal town called Cujucuyo in El Salvador, as kids my best friend and I thought it was funny sounding like many of the indigenous words used within our country, as such I started using it as my nickname online and it stuck to this day.
UHwarrior70 has been my Xbox Live gamertag since circa 2006 and I used for most of my other online handles except for Instagram which is poke_zu_ and _poke_zu. (The second one is my original account that I lost the login for after I left the hobby in 2017 and was able to regain access last year).
Comes from University of Hawaii (UH), our mascot (warriors) and my jersey number (70). Myself and a bunch of my teammates made our gamertags in the same format and would play Halo 3 and Gears of War together.
Thanks for the bump, I’m just now seeing this thread:
In the year 2000, my older brother got us into collecting and propagating carnivorous plants (for those who don’t know what those are - think Victreebel & Carnivine IRL).
And then, as everyone here can relate, we collected too much and had to sell or trade them because we ran out of space. My brother created an online store named “The Carnivorous Plant Bog” or “The CP Bog” for short.
After observing his success with trading and selling carnivorous plants online, communicating with strangers via e-mail and AOL Instant Messenger, and watching him navigate the forums discussing CPs, I wanted to try my hand at online dealings with Pokemon cards. Enter www.pokemon-trading-cards-online.net (an online trading forum during the time of Pojo and the precursor to PokeGym). I had to create a username, and I originally wanted to take his and use “cpbog.” He scoffed at the idea and told me I had to make my own name since he didn’t want to risk being associated with Pokemon. My response: “cpbog1.”
I then filled out the paper application to register my username with PTCO, faxed my application with a signed approval from my parents because I was a minor, and waited five days before excitedly receiving that e-mail of approval for me to complete login for the very first time as cpbog1
Nicknames/Pronunciations I’ve received since then:
- “The Bog”
- “CP”
- “Cyborg”
- “Cybog”
- “chpberrg”
Thanks for reading my origin story,