God-tier Holo Swirls Megathread

My flygon using Thunder punch into @ddk’s stupid Gyarados


This moment gonna live on in E4 lore forever

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Yeah it was better on the first Gyarados…

Was missing my Raikou from the pfm battle about then

I love it when a card has more than one place for a swirl to look good. Mine is the counter part to yours!


folks, today is a monumental day. I have hunted this card for a year. Lanturn prime with a swirl in his light orb smack dab in the center. I’m incredibly excited for this. This is truly a god tier swirl for me!


a swirl inside the circle thing is unfortunately one of things I’m compelled to seek out for these reverse holo style cards.


Where do these holo rev holo versions come from?


At least the Squirtle was included in Costco 5 mini tin pack with other 2 starters and Pikachu.

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two different costco boxes. one has a variety of heckin’ pupperino pokemon, the other has the 151 starters and pikachu. The PAF pikachu I think was the only non-dog pokemon in the dog box. The maschiff and greavard have errors on the rev holo pattern. maschiff is double printed with electric type logos. and the greavard, while still being psychic purple color, has the pattern of water type. This isn’t “rare” per se. All the cards made for the box have this error.

and for today’s swirl. Aron poking the swirl with his little stubby foot.


Happy with this one. card is totally scuffed though, but I love the swirl.


This is my favorite card in my humble collection, I hope you fellow swirl enjoyers like it as much as I do :slightly_smiling_face:


Speaking of gold stars, I gotta save for my rayquaza soon…
This looking amazing btw, have you thought about grading it?

ive got one too, suicune is a favorite of mine. Also has a swirl in the same area just kind of behind his tail ribbon thing. Its in a graded case and its in my pile of things to crack for my unseen forces binder. Great set. Great gold stars. Sadly ruined by the infamous factory theft, but has kept prices more affordable than they might otherwise have been.

Thank you, and best of luck in getting that RayRay eventually! It’s a lofty goal, but that’ll just make achieving it ever more satisfying! I look forward to seeing it one day :slightly_smiling_face:

TBH, I only keep a binder collection. I can certainly understand those (perhaps yourself included) that enjoy having slabs, but it’s not for me.

Thank you, and that’s pretty incredible to have such similarly placed swirls on our Suicunes! I couldn’t agree more about ex Unseen Forces! It has such a fantastic reverse pattern, and a great repertoire of ex/GS cards.

It is shame about the theft, though as someone on a limited budget, being able to acquire my favorite (and only) gold star is much appreciated.