English EX booster boxes

on the bottom of these English booster boxes
i have booster boxes that say

-for sale only in North america
-for sale outside Japan
-for sale outside North america and Japan

do these labels change the price? or it doesn’t really matter?

I’m not too sure whether they’d change the pricing of them but are you looking to sell the boxes or just grasp a rough estimate if you were to?

I plan to open one and I have three variations of them.
i want to avoid opening the one that has more value

What box is it if you don’t mind my asking so? I would have thought the one saying for sale in japan would be a Japanese box whereas the others would be English?

I have 3 EX team rocket returns
3 unseen forces
and 2 fire red leaf green.

the team rocket returns. one says for sale in North america only, another says for sale outside North America and Japan, and final one says for sale outside Japan.
same goes for the unseen forces.

the fire red leaf green I have one that says for sale outside North America, and other says for sale in North America.

I can’t imagine that the variations will see much of a warrant for price change unless they bring changes to the cards themselves, however someone else may have more information on this or there might be some online. I would imagine that if there was any difference in price it would belong to the one which is most uncommon but I can’t say with any certainty, sorry.