all secret rares are up
- ARs
- SRs
- SARs
- URs
Salamence, n’s reshiram, articuno, maybe wailord are all chase level cards for me.
With a Brock full art in the set I feel like there was a missed opportunity for an amazing illustration of Brock’s Onix or something.
Damn! I know someone who will be very happy when she wakes up
It’s not me though since we had a wager that wailmer would get his own AR before nub
yuyutei snapshot after the first day. this set is going insane as expected with 4 cards in the hundreds
I gotta learn to use yahoojapan, some of those are cheap enough to bulk buy just for the art
you can use amazon jp to ship cardrush iirc. yuyutei can be bought through buyee’s “add to buyee” as well, so both are pretty easy
Reprint confirmed for later February
looks like this error is more than a one-off.
pretty cool to see a new reproduced error that is something more than just a dot or miscut.
TPC JP posted an article regarding the error N’s Zoroark UR.
If you have one, you can trade it in for a regular textured copy lol
They did a similar thing with Forbidden Light, the rainbow Greninja EX was accidentally printed without texture and you could exchange it with a corrected copy. Of course the error version is near impossible to find now, I’ve been looking for one for a while.
Did we have this information? That only PC Journey together booster boxes will come with the promo.
(Pic from reddit)
is that user in europe?
as of now, it was reported that all US BBs will be the enhanced version, but only some will be the enhanced version in other regions
They claim US based.
Is it because the version seen on Pokémon Center online [US] is only the Enhanced booster box?
Wish they gave more details, figured Id share here when I saw it since I rarely ever beat anyone to new info
SVP195 Lillie’s Clefairy ex (illus. PLANETA Tsuji)
Lillie Premium Tournament Collection Revealed for April - Pokébeach