Differences in Cards Backs: Missprint or Feature?

Todas I realised that the back part of Cards (Spanish; Astral Radiance) there are differences between Non-Holo and Holo. Non-Holo has a white spot that Holo ones does not.

Here’s a picture. The left one is a V Cards and the right one a Common one. All cards that have any type of Holofoil does not have that dot and those that are Non-Holo have it.

Could you take the picture again without the sleeves? It’s a bit too reflective currently, and I therefore don’t really see a difference between the circled ink error, and for example the green circled portion below, that’s likely due to light-reflection:

Also, the left card has some minor debrid on it, unless those are ink misprints as well (circled in purple).



Yea took some images. The purple debrid is from the sleeve. The green one… Lel

PD: Now I realised what a bad centering lol

I’ve noticed this on quite a few cards from the most recent sets. It just looks like a case of colour variance, since the white bits are part of the regular patterning, just not as noticeable normally.

That’s in English? May be cause of Holofoil?.

Yeah, they’re both English cards from Silver Tempest.

The two I photographed are both commons (Venonat & Durant), so I don’t think it’s anything to do with specific types of card; it just seems to be some runs are ending up with lighter backs in the printing process.

Might look quite cool if you can find some on the extreme end of the spectrum, with especially light colours!

In my case (Spanish Astral Radiance / Silver Tempest) it the pattern is that Non-Holos have it and Holos does not

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Oh that’s interesting! Must be something to do with which machines are printing them separately.

It’s seems to be quite rare to find back print variants in all; the only noticeable one I’ve ever gotten is a Gold Star with a red-tinted back from the Ex era.

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There are also cards that had the blue border printed multiple times, resulting in a black-looking border :slight_smile: Looks super cool, would love to get my hands on one of these. The below image is not mine.


Ah, that’s cool! Probably the biggest print quirk on a card-back I’ve seen outside of the famous Gastly.


There is a whole sheet of these, by the way :slight_smile: There may even be a second sheet, I think I saw an uncut sheet for sale once upon a time.

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Well you learn something new everyday! I’m so glad I’ve never fully gone down the error collecting rabbit hole. :laughing:

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The Gastly is from the Mewtwo themedeck, every card was like that. The person who bought it sold off each cards separately back in like 2017-2018ish and probably made off with a few thousand


Well, I found it in two sets, different packs but same time (all buyed between december and January in local shops). Might be something with print.

Any of them has a Reverse Foil? Or any type of Holofoil?