Definitely one of my favorite Empoleon arts!! This artwork was also printed as a steel type, which looks super sick too
That seems fairly unique, no? I can only think immediately of when clefairy was reprinted in xy evolutions as a fairy type
Off the top of my head, there’s also the Illuminate Shiinotic that was printed as both grass & fairy. This seemed to happen a few times throughout the XY and SM blocks, but I can’t think of any more recent examples.
The Battle Road promo looks great! I love Kanako Eo’s illustrations and to have them in holo is just the cherry on top.
Also, congrats on completing the first language! Must feel good to log the first 100%.
Just picked up the s-chinese gym promo of this one not too long ago i agree its sick as a steel type
Small update today- two Korean Empoleons! Start of an Adventure (Majestic Dawn in English) and Dark Rush/BW4! The Start of an Adventure cards especially I’ve seen in the past have been wildly expensive, so I was really excited to pick these up at a steal.
Additionally, the Dark Rush/BW4 is also in cosmos, which is different from the English/Japanese printings that used the streak holo instead. It’s a little hard to capture all of them in the same photo, but I thought it was interesting to note!
Picked up a few miscellaneous Japanese singles I was missing, and they just came in! This batch is mostly unlimited copies, which are a little more hard to find than their 1st edition counterparts.
I’m slowly but surely chipping away at some of the older cards as they pop up, which is nice. For now I’m trying to focus on picking up singles like these to fill smaller gaps in the collection, and I’m pretty happy with the steady progress.
That EBB Piplup is adorable!
Ah yes, Darach’s empoleon, the first time I was confronted with a physical empoleon and didn’t know what to do
Thanks so much for the heads-up! I haven’t been keeping up with overseas promo releases recently, so that’s good to know. It’s been added to the sheet!
There are also some other recent Simplified Chinese releases missing from the list such as Start Deck 100 (CS4Da in China) and Roseanne’s Backup in CS5b, I just picked the promo one since promos are the quickest ones I can recall. You might want to take a look into the official site to catch up on recent releases.
Yes, I’m aware of the newest releases! I haven’t had time recently to sit down and update the sheet, but I’ve had the pages bookmarked for a hot minute for when I can get to them!
Indonesian update today!
This is now most of the Indonesian bulk I was in need of, which is really exciting! I still need to pick up a lot of the non-bulk in Indonesian still, but I’m really happy with getting these in today.
As a side note, the Indonesian Gym promo Empoleon V is non-holo, which is really weird to see in person. It feels the same as the Chinese Battle Party Combo Deck non-holo Blastoise & Piplup GX further up the thread- like a really nice proxy. Glad to get it checked off all the same!
In other news, I’m sitting down today to update the spreadsheet with new releases, so I’ll finally have it all up to date again. Apologies for the delay on that
Toys kingdom stamp goes crazy hard. Cool update
Yeah, it looks so good in person too! I’ve been putting off picking up a lot of the promos, but I’m really happy to have this one in. Thanks so much!
Doesn’t always need to be flashy holos and ultra rares, especially as a species collector just the sheer amount of cards in these bulk orders is a heartwarming feeling as well as updating them as received in goal lists
I couldn’t agree more! I still remember finding one of the trainer kit cards I’d been hunting for a year or so pop up one day- a total of about $2, but the excitement was huge placing the order, and then again when it came in and I could finally update the list.
Part of the reason I love species collecting is for moments like these- finding so much joy in a bunch of bulk.
Today’s update gets filed under “things niche collectors think are a really big deal but probably aren’t actually that cool.”
For the past year or so, I’ve been trying to source more DP-era in non-English and non-Japanese languages. The most difficult to find by far have been the half deck cards, of which I was able to source the Empoleon half deck last December (NYE, actually).
However, the Mom’s Kindness prints have been harder to find across languages in general since they’re not popular trainers, but I was linked to auctions of the Dialga and Palkia complete half decks, both of which include a unique Mom’s Kindness print! What luck! For some reason, the seller doesn’t show up under normal searches, which is even more strange because this is the same seller I purchased the empoleon half deck from.
Anyway, I ended up securing both auctions and am now the proud owner of these beautiful cards. They don’t seem like much of a chase at first glance, but I’m incredibly happy to not have to hunt these two anymore.
I’m not sure what I’m doing with the rest of the decks. I gave the Corphish from the Empoleon half deck to a Corphish/Crawdaunt collector friend, but other than that, the rest of the cards have just been sitting in my binder. Either way, glad to finally have these secured!
FTFY, congrats for the sweet addition!