Can anybody help me finding that card ?

Search the set / promo number :blush: Psyduck 167 bwp will give you:

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The problem is i want to buy it for my collection but I cant´t find a site or a person to buy it :slightly_frowning_face:

Ohhh. Haha. Sometimes it is easier to add the actual pack to your saved searches if you do not mind ordering a bunch. I don’t see any on eBay currently but there are several from similar times.

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I couldn’t find any singles on Y!J. I tried searching:

BW プロモ ジムチャレンジ
コダック BW

For pricing reference:

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@qwachansey, @smokemon, Thank you for trying :blush:

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Darn. Sifted through 100 pages of Psyduck on mercari and didn’t see :slightly_frowning_face: will keep trying

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You can ask a Japanese middleman to comment on this listing and specifically request Psyduck. You will have to buy a few more cards as well to meet the yen minimum amount but not much :blush:


@qwachansey,Thank you so much :blush:

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