Blue Ink blot Machamp error Card

I am new to the forum. I saw a listing for a rare error machamp green dot (above the HP). I was curious on what the true value of this is? Does anyone know about it? Is it even an error?

Any info on this is much appreciated.

Sorry about the confusion. It is a blueish green color dot above the HP.

It really depends on the person. My feeling is, it doesn’t help the value and may hurt. Others may pay a premium.
It’s not easy to defend or criticize either side.

A pic might help…

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I can’t seem to figure out how to put images. If you search “green dot machamp” on google images it is on the 3rd picture a sealed version. The guy has it up for $2k. I was wondering if any of these have ever sold? Are they worth anything close to that? How rare are they?

Is it anything like this one?

Yup exactly. It just isn’t sealed the one I was looking at. Any idea on what the value could be?

If the info is correct, there’s one that sold on ebay for $299 last week on the dot.

Not a lot, might be able to get a small premium over a regular copy

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I have never seen anything like these before. Would it be fair to price it at the $499.95 level?

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I think $499.95 may be a little low


Would anyone be able to give me an estimate? Any advice is much appreciated!

It helps if it’s in the package.
I’m going to open another thread to check on two blotch errors I just found. Curious to see what you guys think.

Okay, I plan on bringing a green sharpie to all my cards and selling them for $200+ more, thanks for the idea. I’ll buy the scented ones for an extra premium. Just kidding, kind of, not into error cards but jumped in this thread just for a read on what entices these error collector’s and whats real/fake.

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10$ if sealed

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I prefer pear scented! Just fyi

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Speaking of blueish/green machamps, in my binder I have one with a green discoloration located next to its weight. Opposite side of its 1st ed stamp.