Block Buyer: cisko116 - Cisko Wijdeven

This person was already added to the blacklist, but since they won’t quit, they are getting their own personal thread.

They purchased a Played card from me, which was clearly stated, and also had a front and back scan of the actual card. They even acknowledged in the offer message that they knew it was damaged. They received the card, saying the condition wasn’t as stated. Regardless of their incompetence, they wanted a partial refund. I always offer a return for full refund, and said I don’t do partials.

Since they didn’t get their way for the partial, they left negative feedback, and ebay immediately removed it. At this point I don’t treat the buyer as a buyer anymore, they are immediately blocked and I won’t do business with them.

Fast forward about a week, they now opened a claim via paypal. I spoke with paypal, they immediately escalated the case to get it removed, as it is clearly bullshit.

Since that didn’t work for the buyer, they are still covered by ebay’s ridiculous buyer protection. So they now opened a return request through ebay, which the seller cannot deny.

Oh and bonus points, I received a message on youtube from them: “You think you own the community, but you are a terrible person”.

For those who wonder why ebay’s buyer protection is absurd, here is a perfect example. You can be completely wrong, belligerent, vulgar, and ebay will still protect you as a buyer.


what a prick. hopefully he sends the right card back but i have a feeling you are going to get something different. wish we didnt have to use paypal/ebay :\

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Ebay’s policies will not change unless they have competition and proper incentive to do right by their sellers.


I forgot to mention, since they opened a case on both paypal and ebay, I am risking a double refund, which I didn’t know was a possibility.

After talking to ebay on the phone, the ebay case is supposed to automatically close after 48 hours. If it does not, I have to call back so they can manually close the case. The ebay case was just opened today, so I have to wait until Thursday.

I cannot think of another situation where a business has to waste this much time.

Seller’s have no protection. The Buyer ALWAYS WINS… Or at least I had the same experience I am sad to hear this. Ebay/Paypal doesn’t give a rats@** because they are making too much money anyways. I had a different situation and it could of been partially my fault. I sold an XBox One on Ebay but the guy was local and asked to meet in person. It was obviously brand new and I described it as such with a good description. I had proof that I met this guy in person to buy it, he had 30 days to return the item. He waited till the return period (30 days) to open a case to Paypal saying that the item was “not as described”. I went back and forth from Paypal and they couldn’t do anything.

Here is the trick: You can buy whatever fing item on Ebay you want, dispute it with your bank and Paypal or Ebay have no protection. You get your money back and a free item!!! Yay!!!

I would totally dodge both companies but they are too much of an Empire and I want to continue to buy crap on Ebay :confused: lol

This person must be bitter as hell, why does he/she/it say “you think you own the community”… like what? Someone on E4?

Edit: Did the buyer have low feedback or?

Sorry, Scott. Love being on hold on PayPal and eBay for something else’s fuck up, always a wonderful experience

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ugh talking about ebay twats… bought an item from a new seller after i made payment with in 2 mins they sent me pictures of the item that was clearly damaged and not the same as the listing asking me if i was sure the item was good and i was happy with it (first time any1 has ever done that so alarm bells were ringing)i said no and he offered to cancel the order and did so. the refund was supposed to be released today and it wasnt so i went in the live chat and who woulda guessed the seller didnt have the funds in paypal so they cant do the refund. ebay open a case for me and again with in 2 mins i get a message with a dodgy edited pic of a refund from his paypal balance of £1.70 with no bank attached. we should start our own auction site… with black jack and hookers LOL

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Calling The Hulk for Ebay Users like these ^^^^

It’s typical bitter internet nonsense. I don’t take any of it seriously, just a metric for their immaturity.

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Blocked. Thank you for the heads up. So sorry you’re having to deal with this nonsense :slightly_frowning_face:

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ebay and paypal might be the one of the worst business tandems when it comes to protecting the seller. yes, as a buyer you can doubly screw the seller through both ebay and paypal. I’ve found ebay to be a bit more reasonable and quicker to action. paypal is completely imcompetent. to this day, I still have several cases “unresolved” which had been resolved, but phone calls usually involve the paypal rep being very confused as to what course of action to take - they’ll usually throw the ball back into your court and have you do all the work. their first instinct is to trust the bank and the filed case. they don’t really do much work on their own, so your funds are stuck in limbo for eternity. there’s gotta be another way…

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People might want to block ebay user danksta6 too. He lies about not being able to pay for items with claims of getting into car accident, when you don’t cancel he’ll pay and break your psa case and ask for a return.


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Hmm… this guy bought from me twice recently also…

He was ok before… but now I am scared… I sold some gum packs to him so I don’t think he can complain about that… but thanks for the heads up Scott. I might have to block now.

I hate these people who keep claiming partial refunds… for condition variance… it happens too much on raw cards even when you stipulate it fully.

I was going to add this guy to my block-list on ebay, but when I checked my list he was already there… I must have had a bad experience with him at some point, but I can’t remember what it was.


Still dont know how these turds are still in business, constant negative feedback on these idiots. Accredited or not, still, they suck, A- is laughable…what?
Paypal BBB

@smpratte , @kkthxbai and the rest of the commenters;

Dear Scott and efour community,
the fact that a forum post was made about me on a forum I don’t use only reached my ears today, hence me sharing my side of the story is a small 4 months late. Despite that fact, I would like to shed light on this exchange between Scott and myself from my perspective.

On the 3rd of July I purchased a “LP Toyota Pikachu promo” from Scott’s listing on Ebay paired with this description.
When it arrived, I noticed an indent of a penstreak covering a substantial part of the front, which is showcased in the following pictures; (#1 & #2).
Unfortunately this damage was inconsistent with and invisible in the pictures & the title provided with the listing; (Ebay front & Ebay back). Therefor, I proceeded to message Scott to see if there was any possibility for a refund. I would’ve preferred partial - since I’m a binder collector - but Scott proceeded to tell me he would only do a full refund, provided that I would return the card to him; (Screenshot of the conversation, 10th of June).
I decided to go ahead and leave an Ebay review touching the unstated damage. However, almost immediately upon posting the review and refreshing, the review was gone. No reason why, just gone. In my eyes, the seller managed to get rid of one of the few negative reviews, left by a buyer with 40 Ebay refs versus his 4500+ refs.
A week later, 19th of June, I message him agreeing with the full refund and asking for the return address. No response.
After two days on the 21st of June I opened a Paypal case so that he could issue the refund through an official channel, since he might’ve forgotten.
Since I still had no response from Scott, I also opened up an Ebay case on the same day to see if he would respond through there (note; I was unaware of the risk of a double refund when using both channels simultaneously. Obviously didn’t handle with this intent.). This case got shut down immediately the same day because a second case - the Paypal case - was already running.
On the 25th of June, I message him again asking why he’s not responding with the return address and why we should go through the trouble of using a Paypal/Ebay case to issue the refund. Again, no response.
At this point the Paypal case results came back with a negative result, without any explanation why I lost the case - even though the item clearly different than stated.
At this point my rationality was absent, and I engaged in the only way I thought was left to leave a negative review; which was indeed through your Youtube channel. I do recall a notion of deleting said comment after a while, when my clear thought had returned.

Concluding, a card Scott sold had unlisted damage. I messaged him for ways to proceed and agreed to the offer of a full refund. Scott missed the two messages I send him agreeing with the refund because he blocked me, and then this entire thing got escalated into a biased problem that it’s not supposed to be.

That about concludes it.
@smpratte , if you would kindly delete my name from this forum, I am all up for continuing where we left off - with that full refund, from ~4 months ago.

Thank you for your understanding,