Base set booster miss

Seen this as it came up, went to buy it now for $15 and it was gone!

oh wow. I even recognize that combination >____< man who wouldn’t have loved that

Nice set for sealed collectors. Plus, probably not weighed so if a Charizard, and it grades a 10…hmmmm:)

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I went to check the description then went to buy it and it was gone :slightly_frowning_face:

in that situation, and with that low a price point I would have just bought it and checked after. buyer protection is stronger than most people thing


Yeah I am regretting it big time right now lol I thought for sure it was too good to be true

Good thing you didn’t see the one that sold before that one :blush:

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WHAT IS THIS! WHY IS IT SO LOW PRICED! damn… wish i had bought it *sadface*

I bought some of these a while back, one that had base set booster and jungle booster, then i bought some ones that had neo packs in them and the wrapping was different the neo ones didn’t have the tear tab the base/jungle one did. when i opened one up the packs seemed to have been resealed. just be careful cause it seems like these can easily be faked since they don’t have any wizards logo on the plastic wrap.


they seemed resealed? what was the tip off, and were the cards damaged/the pack anatomy still correct?

the crimping for the sealing of the packs was different that the other neo packs I had, second the cards weren’t in the right order and the rare card had dirt on the back. The different clear packaging without the tear tab is what made me think they were resealed or searched packs.

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gotcha, welp. at 15 bucks I would still probably risk it. would stink though

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for 20 i would buy the trio pack that comes with the legendary pack even if it is weighted cause it still comes with a reverse holo. I would still pick them up too at the price they are at and run the risk.

WOW what a steal at that price. Seems too good to be true though. Well you know how the saying goes,‘if its too good to be true, it probably is, most of the time’. Hope those packs are legit and they went to someone who really appreciates them.

Doubt they are weighed or resealed. Wouldn’t make sense at all in this context. I got the one with the LC pack and am 100% not worried.


I thought I got lucky snagging the Base/Jungle pack and then I saw the one with LC, crazy.

I’ve been lurking here and there without an account until today.

Welcome! And nice pickup!

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Ecruteak city hype!! Welcome :grin:
Sweet pickups, and yeah can’t go wrong here for 15-20$

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Well mine showed up today! Looks completely legit to me: