Base 1st Charizard PSA7/8 or Wotc 1st Booster Box

Hey, i have around 2k to 3k (Euro) for spending on Pokemon cards. I want something big and wotc 1st Boxes & Charizard 1st came to my mind. Now i cant really decide which one i want/ which one has the best value. The Charizard was stable over 2 years while the Booster Boxes have gone up extremely only in the last year, will they get down a bit again or at least stay where they are now? I personally like Booster Boxes a tiny bit more because they feel like more valuable with a faster decreasing price. In contrast to Charizard, the number of boxes is dropping.
I am also interested in stuff outside of that, but i have no idea of the other stuff. As an example, Japanese Cards, Masters Scroll.

Both are a good investment. Personally I’d buy the charizard. It gets preached on this forum to buy what you like so pick one you’d prefer and go for it :blush:

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Since you said you like boxes more that may be the way to go. Don’t sweat value too much. The worse thing that could happen is if you bought the thing you don’t like as much and the other thing turns out to be the better investment. A double whammy;)

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Or! You can buy my 1st ed psa 6 charizard instead!!! In all seriousness though, try to get something that you personally want the most. It would be a shame to spend that much on something and then not actually like it. For pure investment, go with traditional financial instruments. For collecting, get what you want and will bring you the most joy.

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Go for a box of your favorite set. You could opt to open it someday or keep it sealed, but at least if you open a box, there are still sealed packs inside! Up to you bro!

It comes down to your own preference. If you’re more inclined with cards, I’d go for the charizard as it’s just one of the pinnacles of the hobby. And it’s also a very nice Display piece for conversations!