as prices go up, migration from PSA 10 to BGS 10 (answered)

Hi I’m Nic, a new collector.

While I understand that BGS is inconsistent for 9.5 and below, if prices continue going up, I wonder if for the higher end cards there will be a migration to BGS 10?

For example, recently I’ve been contemplating a PSA 10 1st ed zard purchase. But reading about regrades, such as the illustrator, has made me feel uncomfortable with parting with a fairly significant sum of money for a e.g. 10x regrade PSA 10, which may not be a ‘true’ PSA 10. The current zard that just came up for example - it doesnt look like a strong PSA 10 at all.

I find myself wanting to wait for a BGS 10 instead. While I pay a premium, at least there is certainty that I’m not getting a regraded card, as the corners, centering etc are all noted in the grade.

I also read that one of the members sent in all his PSA 10 cards and not one got a BGS 10. But for higher end cards, we can always do a crossover where BGS will crack the case if its a 10, and not if it isn’t right? If so over time won’t all the very high end PSA 10’s be tested for BGS 10?

If not, how do u guys circumvent this issue of strong vs weak PSA 10s? I just think it’s a pity PSA didn’t offer 9.5 from the start, it’s more or less irreversible now.

Request high quality pictures/scans and if the card isn’t to your standards, pass it up.

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Just as a flaw in your logic here, someone can crack out a BGS 9.5 and submit it multiple times as well until it MIGHT get a 10. Just because someone submitted a card 10x to PSA, doesn’t mean its EVER guaranteed to get a 10. Getting tired of this BGS/PSA debate. Some cards, REGARDLESS of the grading company will be weaker than others, it just happens. Get scans of the cards you want to buy or look at them in person (especially something as pricey as a 1st ed Zard). If you like the BGS 10 layout and cases, grab one of those.

Neither grading company is immune to mistakes nor bias. They do not have ALL the cards ever graded lined up and can decide where the line for the 9/9.5 or 10 is drawn, only go one card at a time.

So my original statement stands, if you want a BGS10, wait and pay for a BGS 10.


ok fair enough, thanks for taking the time to explain, appreciate it

Didn’t want it to come off rude, but we have these PSA/BGS threads weekly that turn into trash posts, theories and debates with no winners. Its similar to politics, if you prefer one party, no matter what valid arguments are made, its not going to sway views, so its basically a waste of time.

I do like the BGS grading system as well for the simple reason that I would like to know why some of my PSA cards didn’t receive 10s.


No worries I understand your frustration, I’ve read some of them myself but I wanted to learn more about the particular aspect of crossovers for high end cards, especially with the larger sums involved. I’m pretty new (extremely new) so I’m pretty blur on some things still (like i’m not used to requesting for high def scans on ebay cards, nv knew people did that, will probably do it now for some cards)

Yep I appreciate the BGS system too. But I pretty much agree with ur explanation 100% so I had nothing left to say - I know what to do about it now. Just acquire more knowledge about card grading, and request for high def scans.

thanks again.