Anyone here collect Pokémon video games?

Just curious if anyone collects old sealed Pokémon video games? Like red, silver etc.

Let’s see the collection

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Not sealed but I do collect the games; I have all stadard English releases complete in box - with the exception of Pokémon Box for the Gamecube which i hope to pick up this year.

I also have a couple Pikachu N64s and some of the the Pokemon edition handheld consoles. I would like more but they’re not something I am actively working on.


I have all of the North American released games and spin-offs complete in box. You can check out my very outdated thread

I haven’t updated since getting any of the new games or any of the spin-offs. I was thinking of making a thread showing all of the games and what comes in them but I’ve been too lazy :sweat_smile:. I too would like to pick up Pokemon Box at some point but not for a long time since I have other things I need to save up for.

@thatpikachuguy I’ve said it before in your collection thread but your collection is displayed in such a fun way, I love looking at it!

Edit: I just realized you said sealed. None of my games are sealed since I like opening the boxes from time to time and looking at its contents (and playing the games).


I collect the games complete in box (CIB) and put them in these nice acrylic display cases. Functional, gorgeous, and a fraction of the price.


Appreciate it! I have a large addition to my collection coming soon that is going to make me have to rework this display but I definitely like having it setup in a way that shows all of the box art!

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love the display shelf!

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Omg amazing collection!

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That’s what I love to see!

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Unsealed is good too!

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No pokemon (yet?) but I have a few of my favs


The display looks awesome! Almost like a museum exhibit!

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I do! I used to have a bigger collection but had to sell some, got the blue grading at wata, and need to get back a silver sealed copy. They look very nicely to display alongisde cards as well :slight_smile:


Tales of Symphonia, Melee, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Majora’s Mask, Oracle of Seasons. :+1:

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Thank you! My family calls that room my Pokémon museum haha


Damn that’s really cool :heart_eyes:

It’s like my childhood on display. Love it!

Not the best grade but I had the game for around 8 years before sending it off for grading in 2021


This goes so insanely hard

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That’s a great collection of games! I just recently finished Oracle of Ages/Seasons again, and those games are great! I was also in the middle of another playthrough of Banjo Tooie, but I haven’t started it up again in a while. And I’ve been wanting to play through Majora’s Mask again, but I want to do it on the actual hardware, and I don’t have an N64 expansion pak or the cartridge, so it hasn’t happened yet :sweat_smile:

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on a note i do think that wata and vga video games are sold at an atrocious prices IMO
there is a newly graded company that i use and charge reasonable prices. i do not really care that it devalues it or something since im not gonna sell it. i got the japanese stadium that wasnt released in the west japanese hey you pikachu and japanese pinball crystal green and blue atm