Altered or Factory?

Anyone have any history on this card? Did it come from a cut sheet?

What does a ungraded squared cornered unlimited blastoise one usually sell for?

Most square cut cards tend to be cut from uncut sheets. As for the history of that specific card I dont know, hopefully someone here can help!

On Garys listing, he had specified the his card was cut of a test sheet. Perhaps a similar origin?

Appx 500.00. That card you linked has other problems it appears because BGS has graded many of those.

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What does Below Measurement Tolerance mean? I’m guessing trimmed or in this case whoever cut the card off an uncut sheet somehow messed up and it’s not the right length for a Pokemon card. lol


@maverick75 are you looking to purchase that one?
If so I would be hesitant based on the BGS evaluation.

Request some more pictures in order to do a proper comparison of existing confirmed ones.
Best of luck!

That’s my listing. It’s a genuine square cut from the factory but for whatever the reason BGS disagreed.

Did you pull it from a pack?

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Or how do you know it came from the factory?

Because I purchased it from you, Gary.

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I know. Just wanted you to say it;)


Lol I would say the squarecuts are definitely cool. I have a complete base holo set that I picked up from a massive collection. One of these days I’ll show it off here. I don’t think there is anyway to know if it’s factory other than that it was part of a massive collection with lots of other rare cards like prerelease clefable and E3 Red cheeks, but it has the alignment dot and appears to be entirely accurate.

On BGS, I would question how they would really be able to judge it properly. There is no proper measurement if it is a squarecut and may have just put that because it’s not normal.

Squarecuts are worth what someone is willing to pay since they are niche, not really gradable and considered by some people to be illegitimate cards even if real.

I sold a blastoise for 80 a couple years ago in NM condition, but I would place all the squarecut starters over 100 in value now personally.

Oh yes there is lol.

REALLY!? Tell me how! I can post pictures of one if it helps.

How do you tell if it’s factory!?

You said, “To know if it’s factory”. Now you’re saying “To tell if it’s factory”. That’s different. I know mine were 100% factory but it’s nearly impossible to tell if others are since the sheet cutters came along.

Ahhh, that’s what I thought. Yea since mine are second hand there is no real way to tell, but even for you it’s just your word in the end, right? It can never truly be authenticated as a factory card. I believe you and the forum believes you, but it can’t be graded any differently than the ones I own.

I don’t have info/evidence but depending on what cards, it’s hard to say whether or not a card was perfectly cut by a 3rd party, or it was simply a genuine error/miscut straight from the factory. Genuine square miscuts are rare yet you see them popping up on eBay quite frequently. IMO, they should be valued for less because of this issue.

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