All the new charizards released this fall...

Hey all, I’m on a personal quest of owning a copy of every English printed Zard and this fall we’ve obviously seen A LOT new variations printed. Thus, I thought it might be good to make a list and ask if there are any I’ve missed :blush: Haven’t been following too close with work, but please post any I’ve missed! :blush:

  1. Evolutions Zard Holo

  2. Evolutions Zard Rev Holo

  3. Evolutions Zard Prerelease

  4. Evolutions Zard Staff Prerelease

  5. Evolutions Zard EX

  6. Evolutions Mega Zard EX

  7. Evolutions Mega Zard EX FA

Is that 7 from a single set? Jeez Louise…

PS Still looking for a lot of old school ones and one modern one in another thread :blush:

Let me know if there are any new releases!


I’ve watched a lot of openings of the English set now and haven’t personally seen a non holo version. It might come in a deck however but I’m not sure.

Ahh really? I thought I saw somewhere a Mewtwo non holo. Probably just my mistake thinking it was all the holos, think you might be right it’s just decks!

Can anyone confirm?

Mewtwo is a non holo in the set but a holo version exists in the prerelease card.

Yup I can’t find anything on a non holo either :neutral_face:

There is also no Charizard EX Full Art, as that came in the 20th anniversary box!

Thread updated with the info thanks! For the best I guess, means less to buy ^^

Not only the prerelease but also the deck.

To be honest I haven’t actually seen any evolutions decks yet so I was hesitant about mentioning them.

Just out of curiosity, where is everyone buying there Evolutions boxes? Seems the cheapest on eBay is now £90, but it’s usually £80 for newer sets.

I’ve heard the initial print run is sold out already and that they’re going to raise the prices on Evolutions boxes.

Holy Crap damn!

Looks like i’ll have to pick up one, maybe two at the £90 mark then. Literally the first exciting new set since… you guessed it - Flashfire.

I tell myself that the one box I have is gonna be kept sealed and that im not gonna buy anymore…

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I bought three. Keep one sealed, I tell myself over and over. If I don’t pull a Full Art M Zard keeping it sealed is going to be impossible.

I want like 3k worth and I’m broke. And I have like over 1,000 cards to grade because that’s where I’m at in my life. So someone give me dollan so I can grade these beasts and buy 3k worth of evolution boxes. ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)